| 划词

1.In addition, only certain murine mAb isotypes hae been shown to effectiely bind to and actiate elements of the human immune system, thereby triggering cytotoxic effector functions10.




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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

1.So most of the mabs don't fit anymore.

大多数 mab 不再管用了。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

2.To go broad. Scientists used to pick these mabs based on how strongly they attached to a particular virus.

扩大范围。以前,科学家们依据 mab 对特定病毒的附着强度来挑选药物。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

3.Not yet. There are about 10 of these mabs in various stages of testing.

还不行。现在有 10 余种 mab 正处于不同阶测试中。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

4.Look, I don't want to keep tossing out problems, but mabs aren't a pill like Paxlovid.

我想不停提问,但 mab 不 Paxlovid 种药片。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

5.Another advantage mabs have is they can be used to prevent infection in people who are in high-risk situations.

Mab 的另一优势可用于预防高风险群被感染。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

6.In plain English that means spots that don't mutate from variant to variant, so the mabs can still lock on.

说白了就区域不会随变异株而变异,继而 mab 能一直锁定病毒。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

7.They've usually got long, difficult names, but they typically end in " mab, " so that's the giveaway.


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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

8.It turns out, though, that mabs are actually cheap to produce these days, just one or two hundred bucks a pop.

但事实上,mab 现在的生产成本很低——每剂只有一两百元。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

9.These mabs were configured to fit that early virus, like a key fitting into a lock.

这些 mab 为早期病毒量身打造的,就像为一把锁配的钥匙。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

10.Some may be immunocompromised and don't get much benefit from vaccines, so mabs can play a prevention role for them.

其中一些可能有免疫缺陷,他们打疫苗得不到多少益处,因此 mab 便可以保护他们。

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科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集

11.I saw a study in which scientists tested 21 different " mabs" against the BA. 4 and 5 variants, and only one was able to neutralize them.

我看过一项研究,说科学家们测试了 21 种 mab 对抗 BA.4 和 BA.5 变异的情况,只有一种能中和病毒。

「科学60秒-科学 2022年10月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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