1.You've opened yourffiliate account,hosen oducts to sell, an established relationships with vendors.Now you need to watch your mons ey.
1.Network 您已注册户、选择的品并与发行建关系,现在您就需要查看您的户金额。
1.C' mon. Are you kidding me? Know it!
2.Mais non, mon cher monsieur, men are always the same.
3." Because mon ami, Joy got out, so we need to speed things up, "
4.This means that Olympus Mons may not be extinct, but is rather a sleeping volcano!
5.A mon from Papua New Guinea says her nation's six Special Olympics athletes are thrilled to be here.
6." Really? Is that so, mon ami" ?
“真吗?是吗,我友” ?机翻
7." Oh, mon Dieu! ... In the stolen desk" !
“哦,老天爷! … … 在偷来桌子上” !机翻
8." Canny" means " smart" . He's a canny mon.
“Canny” 是“聪明” 。是个精明人。机翻
9." Shall we see you this evening, mon frere" ?
10.They'll on'y leave the poor mon furder behind.
11." C'est une manifestation, mon cher" ? Sipiagin muttered through his teeth.
“C'est une manifestation, mon cher” ?西皮亚金从牙缝里喃喃自语。机翻
12." Who told you that, mon ami" ?
13.You could also say, " I'm considering going to Jamaica mon" .
14.Ooh. -Wow. It looks spectacular, mon amour.
- 哦。 -哇。它看起来很壮观,我爱人。机翻
15.I'm on my way, mon petit chou.
我来了 小卷心菜。
16.No, the worst indictment against him is again psychological — heredity, mon ami, heredity!
不,对最糟糕起诉再次是心理——遗传, 我友,遗传!机翻
17.Yah, mon, da song needs to breathe a little.
是 这首歌唱时候需要喘口气。
18.Be still, " mon cherie, " for I am your saviour!
安静些 mon cherie(法: 亲爱) 因为我是你救星!
19." Eh! mon Dieu! What else could it be" ?
“嗯!老天爷!还能是什么” ?机翻
20.Nowhere to be but right here, right now, mon.