| 划词

1.The calculations of the strength,stiffness and steamtight are very importang when high pressure and intermediate pressure casing of 300 MW steam turbine are designed.



2.A new turbine-boiler coordination control system is designed for the 600 MW supercritical monotube boiler manufactured by Haerbin Boiler Plant with British Mitsm Babcock technology.

2.针对哈尔滨锅炉厂引进英国三井巴布科克技术制造的600 MW超临界直流锅炉,设了新型的机炉协调控制系统。



multientry, multienzyme, multiethnic, multi-exhaust, multi-expansion, multiexposure, multifaceted, multifactor, multifactorial, multifaith,


3G, 401(K), a,


VOA Special 20229合集

1.The project will use solar panels able to produce 85 megawatts (MW) of electricity.


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2.Fully ramped up, it will deliver around 377 megawatts (MW) of power to 140,000 homes in southern California.


VOA Standard 20141合集

3.Afghanistan would doubly benefit from the project as a consumer (300 MW) and as a transit country generating revenue.


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4.This is something that LWRS struggle to do. The firm's demonstration plant will usually produce 345 megawatts (MW) of electrical power.


Buzzfeed 女性时尚杂谈

5.We're going to MW restaurant. What will I wear?

们要去 MW 餐厅。会穿什么?机翻

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Buzzfeed 女性时尚杂谈

6.So, we are here at MW which we are so excited about.

所以, 们来到 MW们对此感到非常兴奋。机翻

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7.During the peak of the event, ERCOT ordered 20,000 MW of load to be shed from the system.

在活动高峰期间,ERCOT 下令从系统中卸载 20,000 MW 的负载。机翻

TED演讲(视频版) 20203合集

8.So these are XXY, as opposed to XYY. (Audio) MW: Really?

所以这些是 XXY,而不是 XYY。 (音频)MW真的机翻

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VOA Special 20236合集

9.That leaves the power system at risk of outages whenever demand is above the 12,000 Megawatts (MW) usually produced by the Guri Dam.


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2022-2023-2 Academic Listening

10.42 MW: So you're right, we can't catch up on sleep.

17: 42 MW所以你是对的,们无法补觉。机翻

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11.Plant after plant went offline to the tune of 15,000 MW of capacity within the span of 8 hours.

8 小时内,一个又一个的工厂相继停产,产达到 15,000 MW机翻


12.Okay, so I'm from the Midwest, MW, (mumbles) And we love our pickles, our pickle game is like crazy on a next level, okay.


VOA Standard 20141合集

13.Pakistan would add 1000 MW to its national grid during the summer months when it experiences its peak demand period and have access to a reliable, clean, and cheaper energy supply.


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14.A mountain sized black hole will give off X rays and gamma rays at a rate of about 10 million mw, enough to power the world's electricity supply.

一座山大小的黑洞将以大约1000万兆瓦的速度释放X射线和伽马射线 足以为全球供电。

2022-2023-2 Academic Listening

15.34 MW: So if you are staying in bed awake for too long, you should get out of bed and go to a different room and do something different.

18: 34 MW所以如果你在床上醒着的时间太长,你应该起床去另一个房间做一些不同的事情。机翻

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16.Even with that lack of capacity, as night began to fall that Sunday, Texas hit its all-time winter peak electrical demand of nearly 70,000 MW, and it met that full demand.

即使在容量不足的情况下, 当周日夜幕降临时,德克萨斯州仍达到了近 70,000 兆瓦的历史冬季峰值电力需求并且满足了全部需求。机翻

2022-2023-2 Academic Listening

17.05 MW: And I make that point because it means that Mother Nature, throughout the course of evolution, has never had to face the challenge of this thing called sleep deprivation.

18: 05 MW提出这一点是因为这意味着大自然母亲在整个进化过程中从未面临过这种叫做睡眠剥夺的挑战。机翻

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China Daily 中国日报 最新合辑

18.Wang has worked in nuclear energy technology for decades, presiding over the research, design, construction and operation of China's first 5 mW Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor (NHR-5) and the nation's first 10 mW High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR-10).

他在先进核技术研发领域几十耕耘,主持研究、设计、建造、运行成功国第一座 5MW 壳式一体化低温核供热堆以及第一座 10MW 模块式球床高温气冷实验堆。

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multila, multilacunar, multilaminar, multilaminate, multilane, multilaned, multilated, multilateral, multilayer, multilayer(焊缝),


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