1.The ng of Mycenae and leader of the Grees n the Trojan ar, ho as the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and phgena.
1.Then " NG, " then " TH, " then, " S."
2.It's not 'talking' with the 'ng' consonant.
它不是发 ng 辅的 talking。
3.So, I want you to make that " NG" sound like you would for " running."
4.She drops the 'ng' consonant and instead, makes it an 'n' consonant. 'Talkin', 'talkin', 'talkin', 'talkin to you? '
她去掉了 ng ,发了 n 。Talkin,talkin,talkin,talkin to you?
5.Then we move on to the 'ng', 'braan-', that is then released to the K sound, 'braank-'.
6.The back of the tongue needs to be relaxed or it will sound like an NG. N-- sign, sign.
一定要放松舌头后部,不然发" NG" 一样。" N--" /saɪn/,/saɪn/。
7.The letter N there is actually the NG sound made at the back of the tongue, func- func- function.
那里的字母 N 实际上是在舌头后面发出的 NG ,func- func-function。
8.The tongue makes the NG and G consonants.
舌头发出 NG 和 G 辅。机翻
9.The word 'bang' is pronounced with the B sound, and then the A vowel followed by the NG nasal consonant.
" bang" 这个单词以辅/b/开始,然后发元/æ/,最后发鼻辅/ŋ/。
10.So, " ng" , " ng" , as in: " walking" ...
所以,“ng” ,“ng” ,如:“行走” . . .机翻
11.Ih— But when IH it is followed by NG, it changes.
12.Okay, so now, let's look at " not given" or " NG" .
好的,那么现在,让看看“not given”或“NG”。机翻
13.Good morn ng, Mr Fredricksen You ready to go?
早安 弗雷德里克森先生 准备好走了吗?
14.He's given us a letter for the " ng" we're always usiNG.
15.(Laughter) NG: Well, I can't play favorites.
(笑声) NG:嗯,不能偏爱。机翻
16.You may say why is this letter N the NG sound?
17.What are you talk ng about? -We could wa k your house to the falls.
你在说什么? - 能拖着房子去瀑布。
18.Sometimes they make the NG sound, plus a G sound, like in this word, English.
有时他发出 NG 的声,加上 G 的声,这个词,英语。机翻
19.And in 'think', it's followed by the NG sound, which as I said, Changes the vowel.
在“think” 中,它后面是 NG , 正如所说,它改变了元。机翻
20.So, how are th ngs stateside, huh?