1.CodonCode Aligner is a program for sequence assembly, contig editing, and mutation detection, available for Windows and Mac OS X.
2.The os trigonum is an accessory bone of the foot, locates at the posterolateral tubercle of the talus, and occures in about 7% of population.
3.Is injured the concrete spot is the left leg os naviculare, located at the foot bone inside behind, the role which plays is connects the ankle area and middle the foot bone.
1.Mac OS 9, Classic runs Mac OS 9 apps " as-is" without modification.
Classic需要修改的情况下,运行了Mac OS 9的应用as-is。
2.Android holds by far the largest share of the mobile OS market worldwide.
3.Now iTunes today will run on almost any Mac running Mac OS 9.
iTunes可几乎所有装载了Mac OS 9系统的Mac电脑上运行。
4.Traditionally, each Metal texture would require a separate, individual memory allocation from the OS.
此前,每一个 Metal 纹理都需要操作系统单独分配一个独立的内存。
5.So you can run your Mac OS 9 apps right on Mac OS X.
所你可Mac OS X上运行你的Mac OS 9上的应用。
6.We're going to have one OS and that's very important to us.
7.If so many people are fond of Apple's OS, why are so few people using it?
8.First, we are going to have a single OS strategy at Apple.
9.The company says the device will be powered by its own newly designed Chrome OS system.
谷歌表示,该搭载谷歌自主研发的新版Chrome OS系统。
10.That is where users can download apps for smartphones and other devices using the Android operating system (OS).
11.So out of the box, it's shipped with OS 10.8 Mountain Lion.
所它现运行的是 OS Mountain Lion 10.8。
12.Users become fluent in things like keyboard shortcuts or they just prefer certain programs on one OS.
13.Mac OS X will be on sale as a software product starting this summer.
从今年夏天开始,Mac OS X作为软件产品上市销售。
14.It's part of the os, I'd have to jump over the code.
15.No idea how long it takes before Nokia's current OS Symbian is phased out.
16.Madrile? os are glum about losing, in September, yet another bid to host the Olympics.
17.We are announcing Mac OS X here today. I'd like to go over the goals for Mac OS X.
我们今天这里介绍Mac OS X。我想回顾一下Mac OS X的目标。
18.Now I'd like to go through the architecture of Mac OS X with you.
现,我想和大家一起回顾一下Mac OS X的架构。
19.Mac OS has 8.75 percent. Linux meanwhile is third at 2.27 percent.
Mac OS 占8.75%。而 Linux 排名第三,占2.27%。
20.Chief officer: tomorrow bosun and three os will serve for painting.