1.Added tothis, thc storagc lifc of the compound having becn plasticated is also onc ycar.
1.There is not enough THC in the food to make people high.
2.With this technology, Keasling says you could produce a THC or CBD beer.
3.Before the second test, the youngsters were given a dose of THC.
4.Most of those who got sick said they had vaped mixtures containing THC.
5.Instead, the rats concerned acted normally until given their preadolescence doses of THC.
6.The compounds THC and CBD are known as cannabinoids, because they come from cannabis. AKA marijuana.
7.So scientists exposed mice to THC, the psychoactive chemical in cannabis, and then looked at their brains.
8.Dr Melis administered low doses of THC (equivalent to a single, mild joint) to pregnant rats.
9.Most of those sickened said they vaped THC, the part of marijuana that creates a high –- not nicotine.
10.In 2020 Richardson won the Olympic trials but was banned from the Tokyo Games after testing positive for THC.
2020 年,理查德森赢得了奥运会选拔赛,但因THC检测呈阳性而被禁止参加东京奥运会。
11.The psychoactive component of this plant is the THC.
12.In the former, levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical behind the psychological effects of cannabis, are above 25%.
13.But the THC content for both hasn't changed much over the last couple decades.
但过去几十年里 二者的 四氢大麻酚含量并没有改太多。
14.And so you get stuff with more and more THC and less and less CBD.
四氢大麻酚越来越多 大麻二酚越来越少。
15.The more THC there is in a plant, the less CBD.
一棵植物的四氢大麻酚越多 大麻二酚就越少。
16.Raw flower usually starts at 20% THC or higher, up steeply from the 4% levels of yesteryear.
原花的 THC 起始含量通常为 20% 或更高,比去年的 4% 水平急剧上升。机翻
17.Now, why THC can flip these neurons into reverse is still unclear.
现在, 为什么 THC 可以将这些神经元反转过来仍不清楚。机翻
18.There's no consensus on what level of THC makes the product high potency.
对于什么水平的 THC 可以使产品发挥高效作用,目前尚未达成共识。机翻
19.They're low dose, and mid dose, THC beverages, sparkling flavored waters that taste amazing.
它们是低剂量和中剂量的 THC 饮料,味道惊人的气泡水。机翻
20.THC activates some regions and calms down others, creating a fun cocktail of sensations.
THC 会激活某些区域并平静其他区域,从而产生一种有趣的感觉混合物。机翻