1.Jamie was adroit at flattering others.
1.The android is adroit at playing the guitar.
机器人 (android) 很擅长 (adroit) 弹吉他。
2.The elderly man could not walk, but he was still adroit with his hands.
3.The adroit Canadian spent his time preparing the meat and flour products he had brought from Gueboroa Island.
4.His skilful diplomacy depended upon his adroit use of flattery.
5.And the tea-party, under Gino's adroit management, receded ever and ever before her.
在吉诺的巧妙安排下, 茶话会在面前一去不复返了。机翻
6.The animal dropped, electrocuted, and its descent brought it within reach of our adroit hunter, who promptly took possession of it.
7.She'll be adroit enough to lie well, I can see that.
会很熟练地撒谎, 我能看出来。机翻
8.The adroit adulation about his legend was adrift from one city to another.
9.Arthur's adroit socializing aided his ascent in the New York State Republican Party.
Arthur 娴熟的社交活动帮助他在纽约州共和党中崛起。机翻
10.Few presidents have been more adroit in adopting the ideas of their political enemies.
11.Having grown somewhat adroit since her falling in love, she complained of an awful headache in order to explain her redness.
自从坠入爱河以来, 变得有些机灵, 抱怨说头痛得厉害, 以解释的脸红。机翻
12.So let say we want to remember the word " adroit" , which means " clever or skillful at something; really good at something" .
假设我们要背 " adroit" 这个单词,这个单词的意思是" 熟练或是很在行" ;很会做件。
13.Twenty times she seemed almost to be submerged by these mountains of water which rose behind her;but the adroit management of the pilot saved her.
14.These legislative years saw a maturing of Lincoln's moderate Whig philosophy and his development as an adroit partisan advocate and orator.
15.Polk made adroit use of his cool head in the tense House where he tried to be a fair but loyal Jacksonian.
波尔克在紧张的众议院中巧妙地运用了他的冷静头脑, 他试图成为一个公平但忠诚的杰克逊主义者。机翻
16." I am a fool, sir. You are right, " said Julien modestly, realising the adroit stratagem of which he was the victim.
“我是个傻瓜, 先生。您是的,” 于连谦虚地说, 他意识到自己是个狡猾的计谋。机翻
17.Stevenson, one feels, must have learnt much from this supple narrative, with its precise adroit phrases, its exact quick glance at visible things.
18.Burney, most adroit of men, swam as if born to the water, and the descendant of the friend of Sir Philip Sidney was pleased.
19.The hands were nervous and adroit, with long fashioning fingers; and you felt that at their touch the clay almost moulded itself into gracious forms.
20." I suspect you of being an adroit flatterer, " said Rosamond, feeling sure that she should have to reject this young gentleman a second time.