2.The synthsis methods of N-sulfuryl substitude hetercycles by the reaction of alkyne with sulfamide catalyzed by diverse transition mentals were reviewed in this paper.
8.Copper ions are frequently poisonous to biological systems.So Dr Bertozzi decided to work on a way to make azides and alkynes react without their involvement.
9.You also learned a little bit about cis-trans isomerism and learned a few important reactions of alkenes and alkynes such as hydrogenation, halogenation, and polymerization.
10.Her solution, which she published in 2004, was to include the alkyne half of the buckle in a molecule that would put it under strain and thus make it more reactive.
11.So three words representing three different groups of organic compounds: alkanes for all single bonds, alkenes if they contain double bonds, and alkynes if they contain one or more triple bonds.
12.That may not sound like a big deal at first, but alkenes and alkynes don't have that kind of freedom, and that simple fact has a huge affect on their properties.
13.If you paid attention, you learned that hydrocarbons with double bonds are called alkenes and those with triple bonds are called alkynes and that the naming rules are the same as for alkanes.