9.You need not know all the allegorical meanings of his props, nor the socioeconomic connotations of the clothes, to sense the depth under the surface.
11.Though he suffered great trauma and loss on the battlefield, he was eventually able to use those experiences to drive those powerful, allegorical stories.
12.I dislike Allegory – the conscious and intentional allegory – yet any attempt to explain the purport of myth or fairytale must use allegorical language.
13.The tale is darkly humorous, almost allegorical, but at the same time shot through with a sense of grander themes lurking beneath the surface, just out of reach.
14.Langdon sighed. " Well, Peter, as you can probably see, this is an allegorical pictogram. Clearly its language is metaphorical and symbolic rather than literal."
16.By combining the allegorical tradition of the moral fables with the picaresque tradition of the lower-caste stories, they achieved in their works both realism and moral teaching.
17.In 1917 Lenin lamented that he wrote " with an eye to the tsarist censorship… with extreme caution, by hints, in an allegorical language—in that accursed Aesopian language" .
18.It's an allegorical question, but I think people should be thinking about freedom, thinking about freedom of expression, thinking about learning new things and redeploying what they already know.
19.The" Life of Dowel, Dobet and Dobest" occupies the densely allegorical sections of the work, in which Will searches for the virtuous life through the exercise of his intellect.
“Dowel、Dobet 和 Dobest 的生”占据了作品中密集的寓言部分,其中 Will 通过锻炼他的智力来寻找美德的生活。机翻
20.I nailed on the doors some old Venetian maps and some theses ornamented with allegorical engravings, which made a decoration old and odd no doubt, but pleasant to friends of good learning.