It would be grossly anachronistic and a mistake for the party to readopt this approach in a Lower House election now held under a single-seat constituency system.
Ellen Mirojnick's costumes transport us to a fantastical world brimming with sumptuous spectacle, and the anachronistic design elements help us to better understand the characters within the context of their society.
- Ellen Mirojnick 的服装将我们带到了一个充满华丽奇观的奇幻世界,不合时宜的设计元素帮助我们在他们的社会背景下更好地理解角色。
Rather than generate, transmit and distribute electricity in an anachronistic, " vertically-integrated" way, Mr de Ruyter wants the company broken up and subjected to market forces, becoming a platform for private-sector generation and distribution.
与其以不合时宜的“垂直整合”方式发电、输电和配电,de Ruyter 先生希望公司拆分并服从市场力量,成为私营部门发电和配电的平台。
It's outdated and confusing, and I'm here to argue that we should ditch this anachronistic term in favor of the more up-to-date name, and that is SSBE — Standard Southern British English — a much better, clearer and more accurate description.
它既过时又令人困惑,我在这里是说,我们应该抛弃这个不合时宜的术语,取而代之的是更最新的名字,那就是 SSBE——标准的英国南部英语——一个更好、更清晰、更准确的描述。
But the American use of words like fall for the British autumn, trash for rubbish, hog for pig, sick for ill, guess for think, and loan for lend are all examples of this kind of anachronistic British word usage.
但是美国人将 fall 换成英国的 autumn,trash 换成 rubbish,hog 换成 pig,sick 换成 ill,guess 换成 think,loan 换成 lend,这些词都是这种不合时宜的英式用法的例子。