3.This article provides adverse reaction profiles of four atypical antidepressants including mitrazapine, venlafaxine, amfebutamone, and Hypericum perforatum extract, and their management.
4.Neoplasms have rarely been reported in lesions of lupus erythematosus (LE) and have included basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and atypical fibroxanthoma.
5.Methods The expression of FHIT and PCNA protein in 10 normal endometria, 16 endometrial atypical hyperplasia and 44 endometrial carcinoma tissues was observed by immunohistochemical S-P method.
17.They'll need to really show what an atypical EEG looks like, and then show that training those patterns improves the conditions they're supposedly associated with.
19.Bronchopneumonia is spread throughout the lungs, atypical or interstitial pneumonia happens interstitium around the alveoli, and lobar pneumonia usually infects an entire lobe of the lung.
20.With his trademark flip-flops, Hawaiian shirts and goatee, he is an atypical defence contractor (Tony Stark, Marvel's gadget-obsessed " Iron Man" , springs to mind).