1.He is bedeviled by his mistaken ideas.
13.There's not the endless challenges and questions about issues related to jurisdiction, issues related to attorney client privileges, issues related to what kinds of evidence comes in, that bedeviled the military commissions since their start, said Daskal.
对于相关管辖权, 律师客户特权, 何种证据涌入没有无休止的挑战质疑, 自创立之时就相信军事委员
14.Needless to say, the idealistic solution seems to be the preferable one, as it avoids the listlessness that is often the keynote of purely materialistic worldviews, and the fanatical asceticism that bedevils many ideational systems.
不言而喻, 理想主义的解决方案似乎是更可取的,因它避免了纯粹物质主义世界观中常常出现的冷漠,以及困扰许多观念系统的狂热禁欲主义。机翻