4.Leaders have decided to build liquefied natural gas terminals, which opens up new energy supplies but also raises a bevy of questions about Germany's energy security.
6.Cochrane had done commendable work over the years and had fought for the downtrodden, and OJ had the money to hire him as well as a bevy of other top lawyers.
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
7.Then there would be dozens of robots that would aid in assembling the cars, computer-controlled milling machines for precise metalwork, painting equipment, and a bevy of other machines for running tests.
「Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future」评价该例句:好评差评指正
A Promised Land
8.They didn't have a one-minute commute like I did or a bevy of chefs, valets, butlers, and assistants to shop, cook, pick up dry cleaning, or take the kids to school.
9.So it was that on a certain evening Glinda sat in her library, surrounded by a bevy of her maids, who were engaged in spinning, weaving and embroidery, when an attendant announced the arrival at the palace of the Scarecrow.