2.Bile tolerance, deconjugation of conjugated bile salt (sodium taurocholate), and cholesterol-assimilating ability of 8 strains from Lactobacillus plantarum were examined.
3.Methods Incommodious bile duct was restored by making gallbladder one (lamella) with cystic artery into half-cannular or cannular gallbladder one (lamella).
4.Objective To study the relationship between the bacterial spectrum difference of gallbladder mucosa and choledochus bile and clinical prognosis of gallstone pancreatitis.
5.ConclusionsThe technique of suture needle puncture and discission of bile duct is a simple,effective and safe method for laparoscopic common duct exploration.
6.It is most likely that cholesterol and bile acid hyposecretion make the AKR strain susceptible to the development of fatty livers and resistant to gallstone formation.
7.GGTP (Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase) - Enzyme or protein synthesized by the lier in large amounts when there is obstruction of the bile ducts to the normal flow of bile.
10.CONCLUSION The action of gandanning on inhibiting the development of CS in guinea pigs should be contributed to its resisting the produce of pathogenetic lithogenous bile by regulating liver function.
11.Conclusions The key to prevent recurrent angiocholitis and reduce the reoperation rate is to relieve biliary tract stricture, remove the focus of infection and provide unobstructed bile duct drainage.
12.The common bile duct passes inferiorly, anterior to the epiploic foramen, where it is anterior to the right edge of the portal vein and on the right side of the hepatic artery.
13.But the cow bile acid’s principal constituent is the cholic acid and the desoxy cholic acid,the desoxy cholic acid content are less in chicken vivo.the goose desoxy cholic acid’s content is highest.
14.I want to know why the press focus their bile on Mourinho and Chelsea and let this arrogant condescending tosspot get away with risking the future of our national game - no questions asked?