1.The new road will bisect the town.
18.With the Interstate Act of 1956, then the subsequent arrival of I-93 traumatically bisecting communities through the heart of Boston, the expansion of massive roadways inside the city had only just begun by the 1960s.
随着 1956 年州际公路法案的颁布,随后 93 号州际公路的到来,将波士顿市中心的社区一分为二,城市内大规模道路的扩建在 20 世纪 60 年代才刚刚开始。机翻
19.So for the next 2000 years, this is how everyone carried on bisecting polygons to dizzying heights as Pi passed through Chinese, Indian, Persian and Arab mathematicians, each contributed to these bounds along our committee's line.
因此在接下来的 2000 年里,随着圆周率穿过中国,人们继续将边形二等分,直到令人眼花缭乱的高度,印度、波斯和阿拉伯数学家,每个人都为我们委员会的路线的界限做出