「科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
6.Bushwick: That's because people are more likely to share something that makes them feel emotionally engaged ... Bose: Even if those emotions are negative.
「科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
8.I'll give you the Terry Pratchett version: " Lies could run around the world before the truth could get its boots on." Bose: Oh wow.
「科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
9.Shayan pointed out that a lot of these attention-grabbing accounts are falsely passing themselves off as journalists or open-source intelligence ... Bushwick: Aka OSINT experts ... Bose: Which distracts from the true citizen journalists and data analysts.
「科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科快报-科美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
10.Vu-An Foster: 'My daughter arrived, and she died during birth.' Bose: This is Vu-An Foster, a Black woman and Master's of Public Health student — who went through two devastating pregnancy losses, before realizing that they could have been preventable.