| 划词

1.Inflation is the Government’s main bugbear.




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经济学-中国 (The Economist)

1.TEN years ago, the yuan made its debut as a global economic bugbear.


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2.Two related bugbears keep coming up : the cost of living and immigration.



3.And much like those other high-street bugbears, bookmakers and pawnbrokers, payday lenders will not disappear soon.

和其他商业大街的顽疾一样 出版商、当铺老板、发薪日贷款会很快消失们的生活中。


4.There is no greater bugbear than a strong-willed relative in the circle of his own connections.

他自己的关系圈子里, 没有比一个意志坚强的亲戚更的了。机翻

《金融时报》 Podcast

5.Do you have personal bugbears or any kind of behaviour on there that you just can't stand?


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6.A deal with China that limited industrial subsidies, long a bugbear of other countries, could yet be baked into the multilateral system.


The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others

7.Here the soul, getting restive, is lashing out at the more palpable forms of Montaigne's great bugbears, convention and ceremony.


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Word of the Day

8.A bugbear is a source of dread or irritation; in other words, something that causes problems or annoys people.

熊怪是恐惧或恼怒的根源。换句话说, 会引起问题或惹恼们的东西。机翻

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Word of the Day

9.For the past couple of decades or so, these twin bugbears have scared away legislators from imposing regulation with real teeth.


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10.He is said to have insisted on the insertion of personal bugbears into the grammar curriculum, notably the subjunctive form, " If I were" .

据说,他坚持语法课程中加入一些难点,尤其是虚拟语气“If I were”。

TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

11.And when it washes off into the sea, it can also help with another big bugbear of climate change: ocean acidification.


「TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.This sentence uses " bugbear" as a figurative noun to mean a frightening problem, and " bear-hug" literally meaning a tight embrace.


《金融时报》 Podcast

13.So, Audrey, you write a lot about resilience, which is a particular bugbear word of mine, and wellbeing, which is another bugbear word of mine.

所以,Audrey, 你写了很多关于韧性的文章,这是我特别喜欢的词,还有关于幸福感的文章, 这是我的另一个 bugbear 词。机翻

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《金融时报》 Podcast

14.Well, the Fed is an easy target and has long been sort of a bugbear for conservative activists.

好吧,美联储是一个容易攻击的目标, 而且长期以来一直是保守派活动士的心头机翻

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Word of the Day

15.In fact, based on its earliest known uses, bugbear began as an all-purpose word for things that cause fear or dread, not just supernatural beasties.

事实上,根据其最早的已知用途,bugbear 最初是一个通用词, 指引起恐惧或恐惧的事物,而仅仅是超自然的野兽。机翻

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16.And when it did appear, how would men smile at the sight of the bugbears at which they started during the night of ignorance, or the twilight of timid inquiry.


经济学 Finance and economics

17.A strong dollar tends to raise the price of American exports and lower the price of imports, widening the country's persistent trade deficit—a bugbear of Mr Trump's for many decades.


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Word of the Day

18.In the 1500s this bug was combined with bear (as in the animal) to form bugbear, even though there is little evidence that either a bug or bugbear took an ursine form.

1500 年代,这种虫子与熊(如动物中的熊)结合形成熊地精,尽管几乎没有证据表明虫子或熊地精采取了熊的形式。机翻

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Word of the Day

19.Just as peanuts are neither peas nor nuts (they are legumes), bugbears are neither bugs nor bears, but a secret, third thing. Not so secret that we won't share it with you, however.


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20.You'll act wisely by throwing into the fire that 'Life of St Catherine, ' that prayer for the cure of chilblains and that history of the bugbear, with which that monk poisoned your son's mind.




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