| 划词

1.Can push milk everyday after breaking through milk byre, can sell not a few money!



2.Below swallow foot of a hill, the Beijing of wet white riverside is suitable justice history of byre hill town is long, ground of an outstanding personality is clever.

2.【摘要】 燕山,白河畔的北京顺义栏山镇历史悠久,人杰地灵。



allohexaploid, allohistocompatibility, allohistoincompatibility, alloimmune, alloimmunity, alloimmunization, alloiogenesis, alloiogenisis, alloisomerism, allo-isomerism,


3G, 401(K), a,


The wall

1.The path to the byre turned into a shining sheet of ice.


「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

2.I put on my shoes and went back to the byre.

我穿上鞋子, 回到牛棚机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

3.In the byre, Bella greeted me impatiently and let me lead her to her hungry son.

圈里, 贝拉地迎接我, 让我带她去见她饥饿的儿子。机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

4.Anything that didn't fit there, I stored in a corner of the byre.

任何适合那里的东西, 我都存放在牛棚的角落里机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

5.My greatest triumph would be to fix the door to Bella's new byre properly.


「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正

6.His aunt showed Boris the alterations in the stables, the horses and the separate space for fowls, the laundry and byres.


The wall

7.It took only a day to dry, and I shifted it to a little space under the roof of the byre.

它只花了一天时间就干了, 我把它移到了牛棚的一小块空间机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

8.I sealed the cracks in the doors and windows of the byre and the house with strips I'd cut from an old blanket.


「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正

9.The cooks seized the knife, the spoon or the broom; Kirusha, who had been joking with Matrona, hurried to the door, while Matrona hurried to the byre.


The wall

10.In the evening, when I went from the byre to the house, the sky had grown overcast, and it seemed to me that it had got warmer.

傍晚, 当我从牛棚走到家里时, 天空变得阴沉沉的, 在我看来, 天似乎暖和起来了。机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The wall

11.When I looked out of the window at midday, the trees were already dusted with white, and towards evening, when I went into the byre, the forest had turned into a real Christmas forest, and the snow crunched crisply under my feet.

正午时分, 我向窗外望去,树上已经铺满了白雪;傍晚时分, 我走进牛棚森林已经变成了真正的圣诞森林,雪在我脚发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。机翻

「The wall」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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