1.Chaplet is divided into two categories, namely ,plain type and heterotype.The plain type has 26 series while the heterotype has 9 series, each owns several specifications.
6.Her face was veiled; On her arm hung a chaplet of beads; Her dress was in several places stained with the blood which trickled from a wound upon her bosom.
7.Eliphas Levi was clothed in a white robe, longer and more ample than the surplice of a priest, and he wore upon his head a chaplet of vervain leaves entwined about a golden chain.
Eliphas Levi 身穿白色长袍, 比祭司的法衣更长更宽, 头上戴着一顶用金链缠绕的马鞭草叶花冠。机翻
8.A chaplet of Beads hung upon her arm; her head was enveloped in a long white veil; Her Nun's dress was stained with blood, and She had taken care to provide herself with a Lamp and dagger.