科学快报-科学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
8.And they keep up this peeping and cheeping even after those siblings have flown the coop, leaving them the last little parrotlet left in the nest.
「科学快报-科学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
9.There was a red oleander bush against part of the front wall of the house. I heard a flutter in it and a baby mockingbird started cheeping anxiously.
10.The sounds that they're just describing and the ones you're currently hearing, the " chips, " " cheeps, " " zeeps, " " whistles" and " trills, " — these are the sounds of birds migrating at night.
科学快报-科学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
11.The sounds they're describing and the ones you're currently hearing, the " chips, " " cheeps, " " zeeps, " " whistles" and " trills, " —these are the sounds of birds migrating at night.