6.Three strategies (additive, chiral auxiliary or chiral reagent) were developed to improve the diastereoselectivity or enantioselectivity of the ylide cyclopropanation reactions.
7.Several chiral aryl diphosphite ligands derived from pyranoside backbones of glucose and galactose were applied in Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene.
10.Thalidomide, which is made up of three connected rings of carbon and nitrogen atoms, plus some oxygen and hydrogen, is what's known as a chiral molecule.
11.These groups are kind of like your fingers: in each enantiomer, the groups are attached to the chiral center in the opposite order, so they’re mirror images of each other.
12.If you position the version of the molecule that's considered " right-handed" , called the R enantiomer, so the closest oxygen atom to the chiral center is below it, the hydrogen atom attached to the center will be facing away from you.