" Hold your noise! " cried I hastily, enraged at her clamorous manner.
The spectacle of their natural, affectionate, clamorous intimacy is a joy to behold, one we occasionally glimpse through the amused eyes of potential suitors, fond neighbors and a prodigiously judgmental and very wealthy aunt played by Meryl Streep.
他们自然、深情、吵闹亲密景象令人赏心悦目, 我们偶尔会从潜在追求者、好邻居和梅丽尔·斯特里普扮演非常有判断力且非常富有阿姨逗乐眼睛中瞥见这一幕。
Clamorous applause greeted their entry; and Hutin, his face beaming with pride at thus being remarked, threw his chest forward and assumed a nautical rolling gait, displaying the while a bruised cheek, quite blue from a blow he had received.
热烈掌声迎接他们到来。 Hutin 因被这样评论而满脸自豪, 挺起胸膛,摆出一副航海般摇摆步态, 同时露出瘀伤脸颊, 因为受到打击而变得青紫。