2.The chemical model was induced by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid(TNBS) and the mechanical model was induced by colon irritation (CI) during postnatal development.
5.Conclusion Selenium can promote the function of the ACTH positive cells in the pars distalis of rat pituitary with colon mucosa cancer induced by AOM.
6.The authors explain that in a standard blow-hole colostomy, the omentum and seromuscular layers of the colon are sutured to the peritoneum and the rectus fascia.
7.During fetal development, abnormal openings may occur in the pericecal, small bowel, transverse colon, or sigmoid mesentery, as well as the omentum, leading to mesenteric hernias.
8.Objective: To observe the effect of selenium on the TSH positive cells in the pituitary pars distalis of rat with colon mucosa cancer induced by azoxymethane (AOM).
9.Shiloh was born with "mermaid syndrome," also known as sirenomelia, and she only had one partially working kidney, no lower colon or genital organs and her legs were fused from the waist down.