To him the world was, in the words of Charles Fidelson the critic, instinct with meaning by reason of God's concurrence and susceptible of interpretation by reason of God's salient acts.
With a happy concurrence of circumstances, there is, as I said, no immediate danger from that affection of the heart, which I believe to have been the cause of his late attack.
Wang warned that forecasts indicate that the concurrence of extreme droughts and floods will continue into the second half of July and the first half of August, a period historically prone to flooding in China.
People consider this day to be a time of misfortune due to numerous legends and the date's concurrence with the annual flood period and midsummer, a time when insects and bacteria tend to spread quickly.
Nevertheless, Mr. Lydgate, I hope we shall not vary in sentiment as to a measure in which you are not likely to be actively concerned, but in which your sympathetic concurrence may be an aid to me.