" I hope this means, " said the corpulent, red-nosed wizard who hung on the wall behind the Headmasters desk, " that Dumbledore will soon be back among us? "
'For a coffin first, and a porochial funeral afterwards, ' replied Mr. Bumble, fastening the strap of the leathern pocket-book: which, like himself, was very corpulent.
She was a big woman, in stature almost equalling her husband, and corpulent besides: she showed virile force in the contest—more than once she almost throttled him, athletic as he was.
They never came back to see their mother, and the latter being, like many persons of active mind and dominating will, sedentary and corpulent in her habit, had philosophically remained at home.
Her face glowed with fire-heat, and, it being a pretty warm morning, she bubbled and hissed, as it were, as if all a-fry with chimney-warmth, and summer-warmth, and the warmth of her own corpulent velocity.