In Helioendimio, beyond the smiling crescent moon, the radiant sun's gaze meets the eye of the creator, who at the same time, is both divine and profane.
There are only a couple of surviving large-scale sculptures with one piece dated from the 6th century BCE, of a male torso in a pleated skirt, belt and crescent moon pendant.
And you find that in that direction, the moon would have risen and tracked across the night sky, and the new star would have been very, very close to the crescent moon.
One of the little boards he shaped in a lovely curve, and around its edges he carved leaves and flowers and stars, and through it he cut crescent moons and curlicues.
However, if one of the particles, for example, is concave, like a crescent moon, then you can imagine that two adjacent particles could interpenetrate more tightly or fit more snugly with one another.
If you put together the small part of the light circle on the right side, with the big part of the dark circle on the left side, you can make a crescent moon!