5.The results showed that the main compound categories of aromatic components were alcohols, esters, terpenes and ketones for all half-highbush blueberry cultivars.
7.In this study, 26 wheat cultivars (strains) were used as experimental material to study the Changes of limit dextrinase during wheat malt production.
9.Abstract: The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
8.Damiano writes that in most cases, growers will need to start with grafted pawpaws, called cultivars, to ensure cross-pollination and fruit production.
13.Looking back at the original collections, they found around 80% of cultivars lacked these beneficial blocks of genes, suggesting there was considerable room for improvement.
14.For the Shatangj u mandarin cultivar, a non-destructive citrus HLB field detection method based on hyperspectral reflectance is proposed in thi s study.
15." We find that there are changes to the architecture of modern soybean cultivars can be made to help us improve on many of these goals, " said Drewry.
16.“We find that there are changes to the architecture of modern soybean cultivars that can be made to help us improve on many of these goals, ” said Drewry.
18.But their variety is under-exploited, and much of it is found in poorly studied " landraces" -local varieties that have some genetic coherence but are not as selectively bred as modern cultivars.
19.Segments of these trees are then grafted onto root stalk - that's the lower section of another tree that's been chosen from a different cultivar for its superior roots and growing ability.