| 划词

1.Make a private MySQL db public by randomizing sensitive information.




gentisate, gentisin, gentle, gentle breeze, gentlefolk, gentlefolks, gentlehearted, gentle-hearted, gentlehood, gentleman,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.Studies have shown that any sound above 85 dB can have a permanent damaging effect.


Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

2.It was like a three yard in and just he roasted two DBs.

就像是在三码内,他只烤了两个 DB。机翻

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System Design

3.For the follower connections, we're diving into a graph DB.

对于关注者连接, 我们正在深入了解图数据库。机翻

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TED演讲(视频版) 2019年8月合集

4.(Laughter) DB: So tell us what it's like down there.

(笑声) DB:那么告诉我们那是什么样子机翻

「TED演讲(视频版) 2019年8月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
TED演讲(音频版) 2019年7月合集

5." Will I sell the farm in Virginia? " DB: Will you sell the farm?

杰西卡:“我会卖掉弗吉尼亚州农场吗?” DB:你会卖掉农场吗?机翻

「TED演讲(音频版) 2019年7月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2022-2023-2 Academic Listening

6.11 DB: Well, thank you for that wake-up call.

19: 11 DB:,谢谢你提醒。机翻

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经济学人 Finance and economics

7.A typical DB payout is worth 2% of a worker's final salary, multiplied by years of service.

典型 DB 支出相当于工人最终工资 2%,乘以服务年限。机翻

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2022-2023-2 Academic Listening

8.30 DB: OK, but tossing and turning in bed, what do I do?

18: 30 DB:,但是在床上辗转反侧,我该怎么办?机翻

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TED演讲(视频版) 2021年4月合集

9.And so that's not the same as, like, " Did I park on level four or five? " DB: Yeah.

所以这和“我把车停在四楼还是五楼了?”是不一样? DB:是机翻

「TED演讲(视频版) 2021年4月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Finance and economics

10.The result is that around $13trn of America's DB assets are managed by state, local and federal governments.

结果是,大约 13 万亿美元美国 DB 资产由州、地方和联邦政府管理。机翻

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经济学人 Finance and economics

11.And part of it will be borne by a creature that is becoming ever rarer: the defined-benefit (DB) pension plan.


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TED演讲(视频版) 2019年8月合集

12.(Laughter) DB: So it probably takes longer to get down there than the time you're able to spend down there?

(笑声) DB:所以下到那比你在那度过时间要长?机翻

「TED演讲(视频版) 2019年8月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
System Design

13.And similarly, we'll use a NoSQL document DB as well, but we're just going to use an open source alternative like MongoDB.

同样,我们也将使用 NoSQL 文档数据库,但我们只会使用像 MongoDB 这样开源替代方案。机翻

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TED演讲(视频版) 2022年10月合集

14.So again, it depends on the semantics of what you mean by " end." DB: Well, let's get into those semantics then.

同样,这取决于您所说“结束”语义。 DB:吧,那么让我们进入那些语义。机翻

「TED演讲(视频版) 2022年10月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
《金融时报》 Podcast

15.And the reason for that is that when interest rates rise, it's good news for DB schemes because of the way their liabilities are valued.

这样做原因是,当利率上升时,这对 DB 计划来说是个消息,因为它们负债估值方式。机翻

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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

16.If you do for Devonte Adams he would have the belief Adams is going to make this play. He's going to beat the DB here. I can see it happening.

如果你为德文特·亚当斯(Devonte Adams)这样做,他会相信亚当斯会打出这场比赛。他会在这击败 DB。我以看到它正在发生。机翻

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经济学人 Finance and economics

17.Even with all their problems, pensioners that depend on underfunded public DB plans are miles better off than those relying on Social Security (the American equivalent of National Insurance).

即使存在所有问题,依赖资金不足公共 DB 计划养老金领取者也比依赖社会保障(相当于美国国民保险)养老金领取者得多。机翻

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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

18.If you go watch the all twenty two of the Jets Tennessee Snead is he's just he's one of those DB's that just he can erase a wide a really good wide receiver.

如果你去观看田纳西喷气机队全部 22 场比赛,你会发现斯尼德是一名非常优秀外接手,他是一名够抹杀外接手防守后卫。机翻

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经济学人 Finance and economics

19.In this way the employer shouldered all the investment risk the individual would otherwise have to face; DB schemes, not their members, are the ones bearing the mighty losses in asset prices this year.

以这种方式, 雇主承担了个人将不得不面对所有投资风险;今年资产价格遭受巨大损失是 DB 计划, 而不是其成员。机翻

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《金融时报》 Podcast

20.You know, setting aside the drama of the past few weeks with these LDI contracts, the general news is that DB pension scheme funding is much better than it has been for many, many years.

你知道,抛开过去几周与这些 LDI 合同有关戏剧性事件,普遍消息是 DB 养老金计划资金比过去得多,很多年。机翻

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