His voice was deceptively mild.
His mouth looked deceptively gentle.
" The ocean is deceptively fragile, " says Baron.
His voice was deceptively smooth, almost silky, but she did not notice.
Just like a deceptively small. zip file, it's bigger on the inside.
一个看起来很小的 zip 压缩文件,里面的内容很多。
And they're tough. - Oh really? - They're deceptively tough.
这类剧很难拍。- 哦,真的吗?- 们看起来很难拍。
We started by reading haikus, hundreds of haikus, a deceptively simple masterpiece.
Prosecutors allege Johnson Johnson contributed to the epidemic by deceptively marketing the painkillers.
In a deceptively calm voice, I responded that he had simplified the whole issue.
我用装来的平静的声音回应他, 说他简化了个问题。
Tom Cavos? - Yeah, it's an anagram. It's deceptively simple, don't you think?
Tom Cavos?-对啊,是个变位词。藏不住地简单,不觉得吗?
Alice stood straight, deceptively motionless. Her style seemed to be stealth rather than an intimidating windup.
That's what allows devious royals to construct slopes that look deceptively similar.
Well, it's deceptively complicated as any high school student can tell you.
For some reason, I find arrows to be deceptively difficult to draw in all perspectives.
This is complexity made simple, but deceptively simple, because nobody else lets you do this with these many windows.
这是将化为简单,但看似简单, 因为没有其他人允许您使用这么多窗口来做到这一点。
But as a consumer, it’s important to remember that the FTC can only go after so many deceptively advertised products.
但作为消费者, 请务必记住, 联邦贸易委员会只能追查这么多具有欺骗性的广告产品。
But they did not seem so beautiful when dragged to the light by Rhett, especially in that deceptively smooth voice that covered sarcasm.
One of the English language's earliest works of science fiction Frankenstein is at once both a deceptively simple fable and a deeply laid work.
The annexe's living room was deceptively large, and one wall consisted entirely of glass doors that looked out over open countryside.
附楼的起居室看似很大,一堵墙完全由玻璃门组成, 可以俯瞰开阔的乡村。
It has one deceptively simple mission: to establish a new branch of engineering to take AI safely, sustainably and responsibly to scale.
Paul stubbed the wings, banked hard left into the deceptively slow boiling of the storm wall, felt his cheeks pull in the G-force.
” 保罗拍打翅膀, 用力向左倾斜, 进入看似缓慢沸腾的风暴墙,感觉到他的脸颊在 G 力中拉动。
It can seem deceptively simple, as it was when I asked the question with this piece, " Portable Planetarium, " that I made in 2010.
这看起来似乎很简单,我在2010年用这件作品“便携式天文馆” 提问题时一样。