14.Population genetics and RAPD was used to research the genetic diversity of 14 Artemisia frigida populations in different Synusiologic area of Inner Mongolia.
15.The community has an outstanding dominant species and the arborous layer possesses a comparatively high diversity index.The similarity is rather striking among different quadrats species.
16.All these kinds of dialogue indicate that Women in Love is a polyphonic novel, in which a diversity of consciousnesses and voices entwist with each other.
17.Chapter four is the research on diversity architectures of agriculture technique extension mode, analyzing the necessity that diversified mode constuct. several magistral modes is comparative studied.
18.Based on the experimental results, the diversities of the velours thermal conduction and ventilating in different directions and the mechanism which influence on its diversity are discussed.
19.The sites contain great species diversity, including the world's largest known variety of salmonoid fish and exceptional concentrations of sea otter, brown bear and Stellar's sea eagle .
20.Nitrene is a very important kind of of ganic active intermediate to synthesize the compounds containing nitrogen,which has the characters of high reactivity,diversity of reaction type and so on.