7.In 1996, for example, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Vanuatu and Venezuela were all under American embargo for beastliness to whales or dolphins.
8.Mussa Aboud Jumbe, Zanzibar's director of fisheries, went on state radio to warn the public against eating the dolphin meat, saying the cause of death had not been determined.
9."Ele, o Boto" is based on an old legend of a Water Sprite who takes on form of Amazon river dolphin.He only takes on his humanoid form when he wants a mate.
9.海豚男人 Ele, O Boto剧情简介: 根据巴西作家Lima Barreto的同名魔幻现实主义小说改编而成,讲个由海豚变成的男人与渔村少女的爱情。