The old woman was drawling on and on.
" How? " said the cold, drawling voice of Draco Malfoy.
“怎么打开? ”德拉科马尔福用那冷淡、拖长的声调说。
And then, from right behind them, a drawling voice said.
And then, from right behind them, a drawling voice spoke.
" Sure you can manage that broom, Potter? " said a cold, drawling voice.
“你肯定能对付那把扫帚吧,波特? ”一个冷漠、拖长的声音说。
“What's going on here? ” came the cold, drawling voice of Draco Malfoy.
Harry and Ron listened, and heard a familiar drawling voice drifting in through the open door.
" Well, with feet that size, hard not to, " said a drawling voice from behind them.
Look, I don't care if that...that drawling, bedridden whiner ever gets a heart. this...for Izzie.
听,我根本不在乎那个...那个有气无力卧床不起的废物是否得到个心脏呢。-Alex...拜托了...就当为了 Izzie。
Dodie married a TV weatherman who gained something of a reputation in New England for his drawling downeast delivery.
" Good evening, " he said, in his drawling voice, as he removed his hat with a sweeping gesture.
" 晚上好," 拖长音调说,同时刷地一下摘下了帽子。
" To me, Potter, " repeated the drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy as he held out his hand, palm up.
Moving from group to group, drawling in their soft voices, they were as handsome as blooded stallions and as dangerous.
And, uh, you know, I go away to college, and I come back married to this big-haired, drawling southern girl.
' His voice was soft and drawling.
" 的声音轻柔而拖沓。
She wondered incuriously who it was and, when a man's voice, resonant and drawling, rose above Pitty's funereal whispering, she knew.
Shubin was about to follow her, but he stopped on hearing Uvar Ivanovitch's drawling voice behind him.
And his voice! She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it, as if for the first time, drawling, resonant, musical.
His drawling voice gibed in her ears. He was jeering at her and, somehow, she knew he was jeering at himself too.
He spoke with a drawling precision, in a manner that seemed an imperfect imitation of the pronunciation and cadences of the English upper class.
As he put out his hand to push the swing door open, he heard Champneis's voice in his mind, drawling a sentence.