1.I finished the dregs of my tea.
2.Dregs settled at the bottom of the container.
3.The different extruding condition to dreg prein's dissolubility inferences diversity largely.
1.James, it serves one but I've got the dregs at the bottom of the bag.
2.So I too would make this 'popped-corn' and win over those mindless dregs.
3.Blood clots had formed in this dissolving mass, taking on the color of wine dregs.
4.They swilled the dregs around as Professor Trelawney had instructed, then drained the cups and swapped them.
5.If he knew what he means to us, to the lowly, the enslaved, we dregs of the magical world!
6.She poured some cold dregs of tea into the two cups.
。 她往两个杯子里倒了些凉茶渣。机翻
7.We are the dregs of society.
8.And ale dregs or dried ale yeast.
9.Hello and welcome to the dregs of the last Wendover video.
大家好, 欢迎收看 Wendover 上一期视频的精华部分。机翻
10.All right, already cooked beans, stock, I have dregs of white wine.
11." It is my duty. I will drink my cup to the dregs" !
“这是我的职责,我会喝光我的酒杯” !机翻
12.This is not the time to drain the cup to the dregs.
13.Ned tried a swallow. Dregs. He felt as though he were about to bring the wine back up.
奈德试啜下一口。" 这是酒糟。" 他觉得自己快吐出来了。
14.Their cherub threw another handful of confetti over them; some of it landed in the last cold dregs of coffee Harry had been about to drink.
15.Then pour in your dregs, or barm, or yeast then cover the top, not airtight, and leave it be out of direct sunlight.
然后倒入酒渣、酵母或酵母, 盖上盖子,不要密封, 并放在阳光直射不到的地方。机翻
16.Theon picked one up and sniffed at the dregs of wine in the bottom. " Squint was up on the wallwalk, no" ?
席恩拿起一只,嗅嗅底部残余的酒液。" 负责巡城的是斜眼,对不?"
17.Now as for the yeast if you can get ale barm or dregs, fantastic, but if not you can go ahead and use dry yeast.
至于酵母,如果您可以获得啤酒酵母或酒渣,那就太好了, 但如果没有, 您可以继续使用酵母。机翻
18.' I pulled my dress over my head, and began peeling my tights carefully from my legs, the dregs of my good mood finally evaporating.
’我把裙子拉到头上,开始小心地从腿上脱下紧身裤, 好心情的残渣终于蒸发了。机翻
19.The man who came up the staircase with a furtive, soft-footed tread was quite unknown to Tommy. He was obviously of the very dregs of society.
20.No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of Monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it.
Defarge 先生压榨的葡萄中并没有跳出欢快的酒神般的火焰:但是,一种在黑暗中燃烧的阴燃火焰,隐藏在它的残渣中。机翻