12.) And automation may well have a different impact on service industries like health care, where less time spent on drudge work might indeed mean more time with patients.
13." Living here all summer long, reading by yourself, meeting all those dinner drudges your father dredges up at every meal? " He was making fun of me again.
The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others
14.She was living in a lone house not far from the Taylors, forced to drudge for her husband's mistress, for Captain M. had wasted all her fortune, ruined all her life.
「The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others」评价该例句:好评差评指正
15.You know quite well that you have a far better head than most of the men you are working with, and you let them make a regular drudge and Johannes factotum of you.
16.I sat silent, recalling what a drudge she had been until Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt successfully overcame that bad habit of living, so highly desirable to be got rid of by some people.
17.(Presuming, of course, you can turn it on.) And automation may well have a different impact on service industries like health care, where less time spent on drudge work might indeed mean more time with patients.
18." Lexicographer: " noun, " a writer of dictionaries;a harmless drudge." While the concept of a dictionary dates back to ancient civilizations, the first English dictionary was published by Robert Cawdrey in 1604.
19.But what we strive to gratify, though we may call it a distant hope, is an immediate desire: the future estate for which men drudge up city alleys exists already in their imagination and love.
20.Such a woman ought to be an angel — or she is an ass — for I discern not a trace of the human character, neither reason nor passion in this domestic drudge, whose being is absorbed in that of a tyrant's.