10.They may also have been encouraged by churchmen as more edifying entertainment than the popular Mystery plays, which became mixed with worldly and semi-pagan elements.
11.The sound of our pens going refreshed us exceedingly, insomuch that I sometimes found it difficult to distinguish between this edifying business proceeding and actually paying the money.
12.They're probably working in institutions that don't quite make sense anymore, and they're having an edifying effect on the people around them, becoming healers and social creatives in so many forms.
13.For instance when she decided to change the name of " Kennedy's General Store" to something more edifying, she asked him to think of a title that would include the word " emporium."
The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others
14.Other people, for instance, long ago made up their minds that old invalidish gentlemen ought to stay at home and edify the rest of us by the spectacle of their connubial fidelity.
「The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others」评价该例句:好评差评指正
15.Had Tolstoi lived at the Priory in seclusion with a married lady 'cut off from what is called the world', however edifying the moral lesson, he could scarcely, I thought, have written WAR AND PEACE.
16.Your industry edifies me, and I am sure that you will eventually be a baronet and the President of the Royal College of Surgeons; and you shall relieve royal persons of their, vermiform appendix.
17.He regarded its complications as more curious than edifying, and he had an idea of the beauty of reason , which was, on the whole, meagrely gratified by what he observed in his female patients.
18.It was not for nothing that, in his college days, he had hunted the hypothetical " moral sense" to its lair, and dragged from their concealment the various self-advancing sentiments dissembled under its edifying guise.
19.But among Englishmen such an attitude of mind has always been extremely rare; to presume it in our typical money-maker who has edifying sentiments on his lips is to fall into a grotesque error of judgment.
20.It appears that certain periods of history quickly become, both for other societies and for those that follow them, the stuff of not especially edifying legend and the occasion for a good deal of hypocritical self-congratulation.