F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat.
图1第20周糖尿病大膜织p53bcl-2 dotb lotting像。实验性反应而对照阴性反应。
He tried desperately to read into Le Chiffre's face what was happening behind him, but all he saw was blind incomprehension and terror. Le Chiffre's mouth worked, but only a high-pitched " eek" came from it.
他拼命想从 Le Chiffre 的脸上看出他身后发生的事情,但他看到的只是盲目的不理解和恐惧。 Le Chiffre 的嘴巴动了动,但只发出一声尖锐的“哎呀”声。