1.Tito was ready, and scarified the epigram to Scala's content.
2.In his epigram Samuel Johnson called remarriage a “triumph of hope over experience.”
1.This isn't just an epigram--life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all.
2.She missed Cecil's epigram, but grasped the feeling that prompted it.
她想念塞西尔的警句, 但抓住了促使的感觉。机翻
3.Some epigrams in epics scorched something about epicurism.
4.The gilded salons will be on your side; but people who like to laugh will repeat his epigrams'.
镀金沙龙将在您身边; 但爱笑的会重复他的警句。机翻
5.Mock epic, romance, satire and epigram were popular forms adopted by poets of the time.
史诗, 浪漫, 讽刺和警句是当时诗采用的流行形式。机翻
6.They feared the discharge of some stinging epigram that would be difficult to answer.
7.She then found a real distraction and real pleasure in sharpening an epigram.
8.Julien's imagination had just hit upon an epigram which banished all illusions from his mind.
于连的想象力刚刚想一首警句, 这使他头脑中的所有幻想都消失了。机翻
9." Every one to his taste" ! said Harriet, who always delivered a platitude as if it was an epigram.
“各取所需” ! 哈丽特说,她总是像警句一样说些陈词滥调。机翻
10.The Baron could not make epigrams.
11.They simply represented new subjects for epigrams.
12.Know thyself was carved over the entrance to the Delphic Oracle, and ever since untold pious epigrams have extolled its virtue.
认识你自己被刻在德尔菲神谕入口上方,从此以后, 无数虔诚的铭文都赞美了的美德。机翻
13.In the immemorial tradition of the road Anthony retorted with a few brief epigrams as to the grossness of the milk-delivering profession.
14.Really my epigram is quite deep.
15.And it was Julien who had told her that epigram, as though giving her a lesson that was to come in useful subsequently.
是于连给她讲了这句警句, 好像给她上了一堂以后会派上用场的课。机翻
16.The entire collection contains more than 1200 short poems, ranging in form from epistles and eclogues to epigrams and love poems.
整个收藏包含 1200 多首短诗,形式从书信和颂歌警句和情诗。机翻
17.I could not but reflect that it was only by a violent stretch of the imagination that Elliott could fit the epigram to himself.
18.Prosperity was undeniably linked to business, which, as he said in one of the most famous of his pithy epigrams, was America's chief business.
19.It's also too facile an approach if you want to write serious criticism, for the only epigrams that have survived are cruel ones.
如果你想要撰写严肃的评论, 这种做法也太过简单,因为唯一流传下来的警句都是残酷的。机翻
20.Certain of his epigrams — such as, " It is the strap-hanger who pays the dividends" — have likewise given him a genial immortality.
。 他的某些警句——例如, “付出红利的是衣架者” ——同样赋予了他一种和蔼的不朽。机翻