6."Conjuring Ritual and Ghost-Board Charm: A Reexamination on Ghosty-Spirits Beliefs and Witchcraft-Patterns in Nuosu of the Cold Mountain." Ethnic Arts 1998-2 issue.
7.Recall any movie with an "ethnic" cast, the scenes offamilies sitting around a dinner table, digging into plates of chowmein, collard greens, cannoli, baklava, whatever.
8.The Bisu people of Lancang have been identified as the Lahu people in 1990.However, the Bisu people of Menghai have not been identified its ethnic genera yet.
9.The ethnic group Dan-min ("Boat Dwellers") was relegated as a outcaste in the Hongwu Reign of the Min Dynasty.Thereafter, Dan-min was discriminated for a very long time.
10.The French “Macedoine” salad could be the big exception: it is a mixed fruit salad that some say was named after the ethnic confusion in Macedonia 100 years ago.