Thyroplasty has been used to solve voice disorders to a great extent for quite some time.Yet, there are very few reports regarding treating mutational falsetto with thyroplasty.
I'm free from all except contempt, the spirit of an unarmed civilian in the time of civil unrest, no peace, just Marvin Gaye falsettos arching like a broken-winged sparrow, competing against the empty sirens, singing the police.
除了蔑视,我没有任何东西,内乱时期手无寸铁平民精神, 没有和平,只有马文·盖伊假声像断翅麻雀一样拱起,与空荡荡警报器竞争, 唱着警察。
Pez gets up and launches into " So Emotional" by Whitney Houston in a shockingly flawless falsetto that has the whole club on their feet in a matter of moments, shouting their approval as he belts out the glory notes.
佩兹站起来, 用令震惊完美假声唱起惠特尼·休斯顿《So Emotional》, 整俱乐部立刻就站了起来,在他高声唱出荣耀符时大声喊出他们认可。