1.These basins were generally filled with upward fining and deepening sedimentary sequence that comprises nonmarine to marine, shallow marine to deep marine depositional systems.
2.The exploratory testing study of modifying and fining the solidification structure of concast steel billet is carried out in concast production by the technology of electro-pulse modification.
9.Perhaps swimming pools should start fining people who don’t take a shower? That might make a difference. Now, let’s go over the words we learned today.
10.In Brazil, the Environmental Protection Agency recently led a raid to combat deforestation there, stopping illegal loggers, closing their sawmills and fining those involved millions of dollars.
11.They include banning online sales of e-cigarettes, fining shops for failing to display anti-smoking warnings, and selling products to minors, with some cities even prohibiting vaping in public.
12.Then commenced the customary proceeding; calling of the jurymen, fining the absent ones, listening to the claims of exemption from jury duty and filling the panel from a number of reserves.