5.A review is mainly on the application of butylrhodamine B, rhodamine 6G and tetrabromofluorescein dyes in extraction spectrophotometric and flotation spectrophotometric analysis.
6.The bulker company is the fourth consecutive shipping issuer to price below its target range.A fifth withdrew its flotation rather than accept a discount.
7.Based on single machine check test,small screening test,combustible withdraw rate calculation and flotator complete index calculation,prove that the flotation result is very well.
8.The authors discuss the applications of rosin and its derivant,including nonsulfide flotation and flotation separation of nonferrous metallic ions and organic compound from aqueous solution.
9.New 730E frother was used in the flotation tests of common oxidized copper ore, oxidized copper ore with high combination rate and carbonaceous slabby rock copper ore of Tangdan Copper Mine.