The horse flounced on the slippery iced path.
She flounced out of the room.
She flounced out of the house.
Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.
They reeled, whirled, swiveled, flounced, capered, gamboled, and spun.
" Permit me, " he said bending over and disentangling the flounce.
" 让我来吧," 他说着,便弯下腰来解裙子上的那条荷叶边。"
Luna gave her a withering look and flounced away.
" Not any flounce into the pond yet, little man? "
You need to flounce it up a little bit.
There was a silly-looking red and white flounce on the dressing table.
Next moment he had flounced from our midst.
He flounced to the door and held it open.
The stone fell with a flounce, but no Wildeve appeared on the other side, as on a previous occasion there.
Just go in and get one of those embroidery flounce models for Mrs. McChesney.
只要走进去, 就可以为麦克切斯尼夫人买一件荷叶边刺绣款式。
The ball gown flounced out and went waltzing through the powdered air with tissue-paper attendants.
Her gown was of black velvet, with tight sleeves and sloping shoulders, and the skirt had three large flounces.
她的长袍是黑色天鹅绒的, 袖子紧身,露肩,裙子上有三个大荷叶边。
In this example, rows of cording and a ruffled flounce help to create that fluted hem.
It was a gossamer texture of precious manufacture, artistically festooned in a dozen flounces or more.
这是一种珍贵制造的薄纱质地, 艺术地装饰着十几个荷叶边或更多。
That dark-green one is so pretty and it was sweet of you to put on the flounce.
I assure you, my dear, I've been very reasonable; for there was a large lace flounce at five hundred francs, oh!
我向你保证, 亲爱的,我一直很通情达理; 因为有一件大花边荷叶边要五百法郎, 哦!
Of course I know it wasn't really necessary, but flounces are so stylish this fall and Josie Pye has flounces on all her dresses.
当然我知道这不是真的有必要,但今年秋天荷叶边非常时尚,Josie Pye 在她所有的连衣裙上都有荷叶边。
Disappointed, she flounced back into the nest, remained there for a few moments, and then, reappearing, began all over again the high-keyed coaxing.
Thus saying, Mr. Bumble put on his cocked hat wrong side first, in a fever of parochial excitement; and flounced out of the shop.
说着,邦布尔先生怀着狭隘的兴奋狂热, 先把三角帽戴反。 并逃出商店。
He gave the fire a stir, and lace and ribbons, and the twelve flounces, and the embroidery, and all the rest crackled and disappeared.
他把火搅动一下, 花边和缎带、十二个荷叶边、刺绣, 以及其他所有东西都噼啪作响并消失。