8.The 39-year-old star exchanged vows with plastic surgeon Henry Jones under a bough of ivy and gardenias, wearing a wedding-dress designed by Britain's Saunders.
9." Kitchens, " announced T. A. Buck of the English clothes and the gardenia, " are my specialty, " and entered the domain of the gas-range and the sink.
“厨房,”英国服装和栀子花 T. A. Buck 宣布,“是我专长,”然后进入了煤气灶和水槽领域。机翻
10.Fragrant flowers (roses, peonies, gardenias, freesia) in pale peach, lavender, pink, yellow and cream conjure images of romance. Glow in lovely, romantic vases of clear glass, crystal and silver.
11.When she heard it, Amaranta thought of Pietro Crespi, his evening gardenia, and his smell of lavender, and in the depths of her withered heart a clean rancor flourished, purified by time.
12.It had a plush-lined lobby containing silence, tubbed plants, a bored canary in a cage as big as a dog-house, a smell of old carpet dust and the cloying fragrance of gardenias long ago.
13.I dig leaf mould from this hammock to enrich my roses and camellias and gardenias. When I went with my basket one morning a breath of movement, an unwonted pattern of color, caught my eye under a tangle of wild grapevines.