3.Apart from magnetite and almandine garnet, the skarn also contains these minerals: idocrase, actinolite, epidote, fluorite and andradite (another garnet mineral).
15.Halder gave an apologetic shrug. I helped Pate carve the stone for the pommel, the builder said, " and your friend Sam bought the garnets in Mole's Town. "
16.Sri Lankan gems were particularly highly prized, and 1,200 years ago rubies and garnets from here were being regularly traded to east and west, reaching the Mediterranean and possibly even Britain.
17.Scarlett tucked the baby more securely under her arm so that he hung face downward, crimson and screaming, and removed the garnet earrings which had been Gerald's wedding present to Ellen.
18.Those beautiful little ear-rings, with their delicate pearls and garnet, that she had tried in her ears with such longing in the bright sunshine on the 30th of July!