12.Analysis of genes required for Myxococcus fulvus development and social motility Myxobacteria are Gram-negative gliding bacteria that exhibit complex multicellular developments.
14.Soft tissue sarcomas are a highly heterogeneous and polygenous group of tumor, and characterized by specific chromosome translocations and corresponding fusion genes.
17.Signal transmission can be quenched by inhibition of N-acyl-homoserine-lactone, leading to breaking the initial of pathogenic genes transcription and the expression of virulence.
18.Sequence alignment analysis of the mUb and ubiquitin genes from different species such as pineapple, seringa and tobacco showed high identities of over 84%.
19.For crop improvement,haploidy enables the achievement of rapid homozygosity, enhanced selection efficiency for recessive genes, and breeding at a diallelic state for autopolyploid species.
20.Expressions of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase gene, arginase gene and oxidant stress related genes in myocardial tissue of normal and diabetic rats were assayed by DNA microarray.