Protonema (pl. protonemata) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination.
They raised 80 bean plants, infested 40 of them with aphids two weeks after germination, and then, three days later, tested samples of the hydroponic solution of each using a process called bioassay-guided fractionation.
他们培育了 80 株豆类植物, 在发芽两周后用蚜虫感染了其中的 40 株,然后在三天后, 使用称为生物测定引导分馏的过程测了每株植物的水培溶液样本。
Seed germination in sterile nutrients is now a common way to reproduce orchids. Mericloning also is a common modern method of reproducing orchids. The process calls for culturing from the merismatic tissue on a plant.
种子在无菌营养物中发芽现在是繁殖兰花的常用方法。 Mericloning 也是一种常见的现代兰花繁殖方法。该过程需要从植物的分光组织中培养。