The shape of the earth? The heliocentric universe? The Pythagorean theorem? The structure of DNA?
The foundational work of the Greeks informed Renaissance thinkers like Nicolaus Copernicus, Brahe and Kepler in their development of the heliocentric model of the universe, which was then proven true by Sir Isaac Newton.
This theory confirmed Ptolemaic astronomy but grounded this heliocentric approach in a more robust theoretical system. The Catholic Church famously opposed his conclusions and insisted that Earth stood at the center of the universe.
I discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, which I named the Galilean moons, and observed the phases of Venus, providing evidence for the heliocentric model." Liao Yuan: " Your steadfast belief in the heliocentric model was quite controversial, wasn't it?
我发现了木星最大的四颗卫星,我命名伽利略卫星,还观察了金星的月相,日说提供了证据。” 廖远:“你对日说的坚信念是有争议的,不是吗? ?