1.Foot Up - an offense where a hooker brings his foot into the scrum's tunnel before the ball is fed by the scrumhalf.
1.Denise? Put that dirty hooker on the phone.
丹尼丝吗 让那个婊子来接电话。
2.Well, I didn't know she was a hooker.
3.She's not a hooker, she's a private dancer.
她不是妓女 她是一名私人舞蹈。
4.He spends all his money on hookers who may or may not be women.
5.I thought you were a hooker. So I had Lee proposition you so I could catch you in the act.
6.Did somebody order a hooker over here?
7.And also know that I am not a hooker.
还有 我现在不是婊子。
8.She's not a hooker. She's not a dude.
不是妓女 更不是男人。
9.That's it? Our hot new case is some hooker in a park?
10.They're somebody else's." " Howard, are you sure they're not your hookers?
是别人找的" " 霍华德 你确定她们不是你找的吗?
11.Of course we're not gonna do it, but come on, you'd be a terrible hooker.
我们当然不卖身 但你真要做 也肯定差劲透了。
12.I know. Crazy, huh? It's called the hooker law.
我知道 很疯狂对吧? 这叫胡克定律。
13.I fold like a hooker who got hit in the stomach...
14.The only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks is if there's a $300 hooker sitting in it.
整辆车价值 500 美元的唯一方法是如果车里坐着一个 300 美元的。机翻
15.I kind of told her about that aspect and she, " Well, that'a pretty good. And you don't even have to be a hooker."
16.I'm willing to lend a hand, but not by making cold calls 12 hours a day just to get hung up on by hookers.
17.Outlaws, angry drunk people, scorned hookers, hungry animals, diseases, major and minor injuries, Indians, the weather, you can get killed just going to the bathroom.
18.I said, you knew Travis Bickle and Harvey Keitel and all of the pimps and hookers, but a simple guy who works in an office you couldn't figure out.
我说,你认识特拉维斯·比克尔(Travis Bickle)和哈维·凯特尔(Harvey Keitel)以及所有皮条客和妓女,但他是一个在办公室工作的简单人,你无法理解。机翻