| 划词

1.For professionals and people with meteorological background, please click the following hyperlink to see the isohyet chart.




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3G, 401(K), a,


TED演讲(视频版) 2018年3月合集

1.The hyperlink uses what's called a markup language -- HTML.


「TED演讲(视频版) 2018年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
TED演讲(视频版) 2018年3月合集

2.And so, the whole range of references to information elsewhere on the internet is the domain of the hyperlink.

那么针对互联网中任何地方的 信息的一整套参考路径就是超链接的域

「TED演讲(视频版) 2018年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.So it seems safe to assume that blue wasn't a totally arbitrary choice for hyperlinks on the internet.


2007 ESLPod

4.Those are hyperlinks to other pages on the website.


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2007 ESLPod

5.Sometimes we just call these links instead of hyperlinks.


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Crash Course

6.People may not know what a bat'leth is, so let's make that a hyperlink too.

人们可道 bat'leth 是什么,所以让我们把它做成一个超链接机翻

「 Crash Course」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Crash Course

7.With hyperlinks, you can easily flow from one related topic to another.


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Crash Course

8.These hyperlinks form a huge web of interconnected information, which is where the whole thing gets its name.


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Crash Course

9.Text containing hyperlinks is so powerful, it got an equally awesome name: hypertext!


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Crash Course

10.We do this with an " A" tag, inside of which we include an attribute that specifies a hyperlink reference.


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11.A few Google searches, some quick clicks on hyperlinks, and I've got the telltale fact or pithy quote I was after.

" 谷歌" 几下,快速点开几个链接,就可以找到我所需要的事实或者精炼的引证。

2010 ESLPod

12.We call these " hyperlinks, " usually they are underlined on a website, and often a different color, blue is most common.

我们称这些为“超链接” ,通常它们在网站上带有下划线,并且通常是同的颜色, 蓝色是最常见的。机翻

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Crash Course

13.Visitors may not know what Klingons are, so let's make that word a hyperlink to the Klingon Language Institute for more information.


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14.These days, the internet is vast and varied enough that it's not uncommon for a website to display hyperlinks in a color that complements the brand—say, orange.


学60秒-学美国人 2023年8月合集

15.Cleo provided no notes, no proof, no explanation — just a single hyperlink over the symbol for the golden ratio, which takes you to a definition of the golden ratio. Oof.


「学60秒-学美国人 2023年8月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
学快报-学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023

16.Cleo provided no notes, no proof, no explanation—just a single hyperlink over the symbol for the golden ratio, which takes you to a definition of the golden ratio.

Cleo 没有提供任何注释、证据或解释——只是在黄金比例符号上提供了一个超链接,它将带您进入黄金比例的定义。机翻

「学快报-学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正

17.It all started around 1985, when students under the tutelage of computer science professor Ben Shneiderman at the University of Maryland conducted a series of experiments regarding how different-colored hyperlinks affected users.

这一切都始于 1985 年左右,当时马里兰大学计算机学教授本·施奈德曼的学生进行了一系列关于同颜色超链接如何影响用户的实验。

2007 ESLPod

18.Margaret: Oh, I see, so for my site, I can list the books I have for sale, and we can hyperlink each book title to a description of that book.

玛格丽特:哦, 我明白了,所以对于我的网站,我可以列出我要出售的书籍, 我们可以将每本书的标题超链接到该书的描述。机翻

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Crash Course

19.But before hyperlinks were implemented, every time you wanted to switch to another piece of information on a computer, you had to rummage through the file system to find it, or type it into a search box.


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