9.Then, such an upright citizen turns into an accessory to crimes without having to change his goals and without even realizing the inhumanity of his actions.
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How to Read a Book
10.Alexander Solzhenitsyn's The First Circle tells us more about the petty cruelty and inhumanity of the Soviet bureaucracy than a hundred factual studies and reports.
11.It's hard history, because it's difficult to imagine the kind of inhumanity that leads one to enslave children to make bricks for your comfort and convenience.
14.Nevertheless, his barbarous cruelty and inhumanity with infinite wickedness do not permit him to be celebrated among the most excellent men. What he achieved cannot be attributed either to fortune or genius.
15.And now Rosemary, too, could hear, louder and louder, a verbal inhumanity that penetrated the keyholes and the cracks in the doors, swept into the suite and in the shape of horror took form again.
16.He had a right to scold Mrs. Thrale for inhumanity, when she knew that he spent only seventy pounds a year on himself and with the rest of his income supported a houseful of decrepit and ungrateful lodgers.